About the Artist: Her Story
I was conceived in a tent on the shores of Warm Pond in the Adirondack Mountains. My dynamic and devoted parents, New York City dwellers, wanted their new baby to be old enough to return to this rustic camp the following summer, and when I was three months old, I was back in the woods. Two years later, a dream-come-true farm in rural Vermont became our family home. Thus I was blessed by being a wanted child who began life embedded deeply in nature.
After childhood in New York City and Vermont, I married at nineteen, mothered four fine children, and divorced at thirty-five. Then came fifteen years of diving into the roiling material of emerging personhood, deep relationship exploration, edgy lifestyle adventures and crossing thresholds into maturity. Graduate Schools for Education and Ministry offered stabilizing focus on learning, and two degrees. When I was fifty I met my second husband, another beautiful man, and we thrived together for twenty-five years until his death.
I've been informed, shaped and conditioned by boundless influences, including:
learning discipline, freedom and faith in Nature, responsibility, and self-determination from life on the farm with horses, hayfields, woods and streams, exploring with little parental restraint or guidance
embracing motherhood and its profound lessons- from the arrival of my two sons and two daughters up to the present moment when they are in their 50s
going through the painful and liberating process of divorcing my first husband
living with and healing the decades of chaos I created by breaking up my family
living and teaching at Maple Valley - a radical alternative boarding school
cherishing the non-verbal companionship of many furred, feathered and finned creatures
singing with On Wings of Song- a spirited touring and recording chorus
teaching and counseling at NAJNAH- (not a jail, not a hospital- a staff secure school for severely emotionally disturbed and violent young adults)
attending UMASS School of Education (with majority Black students and faculty)
cracking open and recovering from early wounds and conditioning with Re-evaluation Counseling
moving across the continent to Berkeley California to dive into radically progressive culture and attend a liberal seminary
writing and recording original music, and leading groups in singing soulful, inspiring songs
graduating from Starr King School, and being ordained into Unitarian Universalist Ministry
offering loving attention to the human family in times of need and transition, such as when getting married, approaching death or death of a loved one, suffering in spiritual crisis, or celebrating new life
delving into the inspired seeing of mystics and visionary artists
restoring my spirit through solitude in Nature
experiencing the world with the eyes of an artist, evoking endless Creativity
communing intimately in deep relationships with lovers and friends
embracing and being embraced by a wealth of children and grandchildren
relishing Gender Reconciliation work with Satyana Institute, Native American Wisdom ways, Buddhist philosophy, attending many retreats and practicing Dzog Chen and Metta meditation
co-creating with wise partners, especially associate Teresa Ruelas
reading novels and scripture from all faith paths
accessing inner and non-ordinary experiences to inform the emergence of my dynamic art
Now, well into my seventies, I am devoted to fulfilling the last chapter of this good life and the Art that manifested throughout. The sacred purpose of my Art is to nudge individual lives toward awakening, engagement and happiness, and to influence evolution of the whole toward a magnificent future.
With warm wishes for your health and happiness,